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If You are Not Evolving You’re De-Evolving – קואצ’ינג בתל אביב

If You are Not Evolving You’re De-Evolving – קואצ’ינג בתל אביב

Spending even just a little bit of time everyday evolving ourselves as human beings is very important. This is because the old saying is true: If you don’t use it, you lose it. So essentially, if you are not evolving you’re de-evolving – קואצ’ינג בתל אביב.

In this article, the term “evolution of the self” is equal to the term “self-development”. That being said, I want you to spend time on self-development every day and you’re reading this book right now… so good for you!

When I think of “self-development”, I think of three ways to do it: physically, spiritually, or mentally.
Let me share one of my favorite and easiest ways to evolve the self, mentally.

However before I do, I want to lay forth my reasoning: The perpetual bombardment of our five senses. Flashing lights for the eyes, beeping phones for the ears, and constant distractions for the mind.

One of the healthiest forms of self-development you can engage in is a daily dose of silence. Some call it meditation, but let’s just call it sitting in silence.

Turn of the TV, put away your cell phone, and give yourself 15-minutes of absolute silence as a gift. Use your 15 minutes of silence to wander in your mind. You can replay situations that happened throughout the day, or you can travel in time in your mind.

Go back into the past, to gain a different perspective on an event. Travel into the future and paint a beautiful dream with you mind. Using the silence as a catalyst, visualize what you desire in your life.

Silence can be a scary thing, but inside silence resides the most important thoughts, moments, and realizations you can ever have.

Your Personal Challenge:
Embrace a short 15-minute window of complete, solitary silence every day.


About the Author of : If You are Not Evolving You’re De-Evolving – קואצ’ינג בתל אביב


Hi, my name is Claude Lee Massey and thanks for reading the article above!  I wrote the article because I wanted to help you.  You see, I’ve been living in Tel Aviv for 10+ years and I know it can be a struggle living here as a foreigner.


I remember the day I arrived in Israel I had NO money – NO friends – and NO job.



So, let’s get into a great question that I often ask myself.

“How did I go from having no money, no friends, and no job to having all three. 

Moreover, “How the heck did I end up becoming a life coach (קואצ’ינג לחיים) and career coach (אימון אישי לקריירה)…?


Here is the long story short version, of the important part of my story:


So let’s get into it and let me start at the beginning.  Once upon a time, about seven years ago (and after 15+ years of soul-searching), I had a powerful self-realization.


That the purpose of my life, was meant to be lived through helping other people get what they want from life… by any means necessary.   Therefore, with my 15+ years of experience in the field of sales,  and customer service I decided to open a sales training company.



At this point, I had a full time job working for a high-tech company so on my day off, I found an accountant.  Then I hired him and had him file the proper paperwork to open a sales training company with the government.



I never thought that I would open my own business in Israel… but I did!  I decided to name my sales training company Sales Development Israel.  Then, I began to use all of my spare time before work and after work creating training materials, and trying to acquire clients.


In addition, I was sending emails and cold calling companies in Tel Aviv, Herzliya, Ramat Gan, Jerusalem, Bat Yam, and Holon.  Basically, I was reaching our across the whole country of Israel during my efforts.


I doing everything in my power to generate momentum. in my new business  Great news is that I was able to find my first few clients!  However, something I immediately noticed was at the conclusion of my sales training workshops, two things would happen consistently happen: 



Firstly, I would receive feedback that my sales training workshops were providing massive value for the sales team.  This meant that the companies were happy with the service I provided, which was nice to know.



Secondly, one or two of the students in the courses would privately approach me.  These students would speak with me about their struggles not only in sales, but also in their lives.


Then one time, a female student offered to pay me for a one-on-one session outside of the office.  As a struggling entrepreneur, I accepted.  


She asked me to help her learn how to communicate more effectively, and to help her figure out a better career path.  We developed a plan, strategized, and executed. 


Another student, at another company, approached me and offered to pay me for my time to help prepare him for a job interview.  We developed a plan, strategized, and executed. 



Similarly, another student from another workshop, at another company, asked me to help them build their inner-confidence.  We developed a plan, strategized, and executedThis would happen again, and again…


Each of these wonderful people I began to work one-on-one with,  had their own unique challenge, and asked me for help.  Each time we developed a plan, strategized, and executed


They all knew that I was not certified or professionally trained, and still they would approach me, and offer to pay me for my time.  These first clients would call me their “Life Coach” or “Career Counselor“, and I was able to help them!



At the conclusion of our 3 to 5 one-on-one sessions, they each had taken took massive steps forward towards the results they wanted.  Each time we developed a plan, strategized, and executed successfully! 


Eventually, enough people paid me to sit down with them, and  then called me their Career Counselor or Life Coach that I began to call myself a “Career Counselor” and ”Life Coach”.


In addition, most people set out to become a trained and certified life coach (קואצ’ר , אימון אישי) or career counselor before ever having a client.  I never did any of that kind of stuff, and that wasn’t the path I took to arrive where I am.


I never once said to myself that I wanted to be a life coach (אימון אישי לחיים) or a career counselor even one time.  On the contrary, this beautiful, interesting, and fulfilling profession that I currently have came directly to me.



So that is the super-short story of how I began life coaching (תל אביב קואצ’ינג לחיים) and career counseling in Tel Aviv Israel, and after all these years I’m happy to say I have helped hundreds and hundreds of people just like you!





Life Coaching and Career Counseling For English Speakers in Israel

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This article was titled: If You are Not Evolving You’re De-Evolving – קואצ’ינג בתל אביב

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