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The 3 Ways to Get an Israeli Work Visa – קואצ’ינג לקריירה בתל אביב

Many of you are from all around the world.  Probably you’re from Africa, you’re from Asia, and you’re from America.  You’re wondering: “How do I get a visa to move to Israel?” It’s not very easy… but don’t worry, it’s not super hard.  Therefore, let’s get into it: The 3 Ways to Get an Israeli Work Visa – קואצ’ינג לקריירה בתל אביב

Firstly, Getting a “Caregiver” Visa.

The first thing that we’re going to talk getting a “caregiver” visa.  You want a caregiver visa to come to Israel, because you want a better life.  Certainly, you live in the Philippines or India, and you want better life for you and your family… and you want more income.   

In 2019, you can walk around the streets of Tel Aviv, Israel and in many different cities around the country and see Indian’s and Filipinos responsible for taking care of elderly people. 

I’ve seen plenty, and known plenty of people who’ve moved here for caregiver work visas.  I’ve made a video about exactly how to get one at this link:

I go really deeply into how you need to obtain a caregiver visa in that video, but understand that similar to the partnership visa (which I cover in the next section), someone else is responsible for you.

An Israeli citizen has to vouch for you, to be able to move to Israel.  This “old Israeli person” needs to ask specifically for you come into Israel and help them live a comfortable life.  They will need to fill out paperwork for you to be able to move to Israel.

Key thing if you wish to obtain a caregiver visa in Israel: Contact an Israeli job agency that works with international caregivers.

Secondly, Making What is Called: Aliyah

The second way that you can get a visa, is by making what is technically called “Aliyah”.  Aliyah translated, means to go up.  A “return to the motherland”.  Meaning, you probably want to move to Israel for religious reasons.

The religious reason of course, is because you’re Jewish.

So obviously, that’s the key determining factor when being considered for an Israeli Visa of any type.   If you successfully make Aliyah, you automatically get a work visa and a passport as well.  All of that happens immediately when you make Aliyah.

Another great thing about making Aliyah to Israel, is that you also get some help from the government.  Meaning, the government will give you money right away to make your life a little easier.  Similarly, they help you with rent as well, and so there’s benefits involved in returning to the motherland if you are Jewish.

Key things: 

  • Being “Jewish” is based on the foundational laws of the country. If either one of your grandparents are “Jewish” then you’re eligible to make Aliyah.
  • Making Aliyah is a relatively short process.
  • You can virtually complete the entire Aliyah immigration process before you move to Israel.

The 3 Ways to Get an Israeli Work Visa

Thirdly, Getting a “Partnership” Visa

The third way you can get an Israeli visa, is by obtaining what you would call a partnership visa.  A partnership visa is issued when you have a relationship with an Israeli citizen, and this person helps you to get a visa.

Your partner will fill out government forms, and declare “this person is my partner and I’m responsible for them” in a sense. 

The visa issuing process takes about 3 months, and the entire citizenship process takes between 5-7 years. You and your partner, will need to go to the Misrad Hapnim offices once a year (at least) for the duration of those 5-7 years.

 You and your partner will have to go through yearly interviews, where they will take you into separate rooms.  Moreover, they will ask you different questions about the living situation that you guys have.

For example: You may be asked “what color are the toothbrushes in the bathroom?”

Whether there is love involved or not, there certainly has to be a living together situation.

The In Conclusion, Final Tip:   You may consider is the idea of getting an immigration lawyer if you can afford it

About the creator of The 3 Ways to Get an Israeli Work Visa – קואצ’ינג לקריירה בתל אביב

My name is Claude Lee Massey, I’ve been living in Tel Aviv for 10+ years… and what an adventure it has been!  I remember the day I arrived in Israel, I had NO money – NO friends – and NO job.  So, how exactly did I become a life coach and career counselor in Tel Aviv, Israel?

Here is my story…

About five years ago (after 15+ years of soul-searching), I had a realization:  That I was put here on this planet to teach and to share the knowledge I have.  Along with that powerful revelation, I had a powerful insight: “I want to open my own consulting business”.

As the start-up capital of the world, Israel has plenty of new companies with growing English speaking sales teams.  Therefore, with my 15+ years of experience in the field of sales, I decided to open a sales training/consulting company.

I never thought that I would open my own business in Israel…but I did!

At once, I went to an accountant to file the proper paperwork to legally operate my NEW sales consulting company.  Afterwards, I began to use all of my spare time (at this point I had a full-time job for a high-tech company) after work and before work creating materials and trying to acquire clients.

Most importantly, I knew what I had to do and whom I wanted to target. 

SalesDevelopmentIsrael.comI started cold calling companies in Tel Aviv, Herzliya, Ramat Gan, Jerusalem, Bat Yam, and Holon.  Moreover, I was working like a madman.  I was sending emails and doing everything in my power to try to generate momentum in my business. 

It was, and is brutal being an entrepreneur, but great news!  I was able to find my first few clients!

Something I immediately noticed, was at the conclusion of my sales training workshops (where I focused on selling through telling stories, and teaching specific sales techniques), two things would happen consistently happen:

Firstly, I would receive feedback that the sales training workshop provided massive value.  Secondly, one or two of the students in the course would privately approach me. 

They would speak with me about their struggles, not only in sales but also in life.

Then one time, a female student offered to pay me for a one-on-one sit down session outside of the office.  She asked me to help her figure out a better career path.  As a struggling entrepreneur, I accepted.  

Another student, at another company, approached me and offered to pay me for my time to help prepare him for a job interview.  Yes, he was planning to leave the sales job that he was at.

Similarly, another student from another workshop, at another company me to help them work with their confidence and being able to communicate efficiently.  This would happen again, and again…

Each person with his or her own challenge.  They knew I was not certified or professionally trained.  Still, they would approach me and offer to pay me for my time.

To sit with them and help figure things out, and to give them my guidance.  These first clients called me their “Life Coach” or “Career Counselor“.

Moreover, I was able to help them!  At the conclusion of our 3 to 5 one-on-one sessions, they each had taken took massive steps forward towards the results they wanted.

Eventually, enough people paid me to sit down with them, and called me their Career Counselor or Life Coach… that I began to call myself a “Career Counselor” and ”Life Coach”.

Most people set out to become a trained and certified life coach or career counselor before ever having a client.  However, I never said I wanted to be a life coach or a career counselor,

This interesting and fulfilling profession came to me, literally.

And that is the super-short story of how I began life coaching and career counseling in Tel Aviv Israel.

Now 5 years later, I can say that I’m happy to say I have helped thousands of people just like you.

<—  Contact Me Today for a FREE consultation  —>

 Phone: +972-052-413-5562



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The 3 Ways to Get an Israeli Work Visa – קואצ’ינג לקריירה בתל אביב – Claude Lee Massey – Life Coach and Career Counseling in Tel Aviv Israel