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4 Tips for Going to Misrad Hapnim in Israel

10 Tips for Going to Misrad Hapnim

Misrad Hapnim is the Israeli Interior Ministry responsible for immigration, population registration, and other civil affairs. If you are planning on moving to Israel (from anywhere in the world), you will definitely be visiting Misrad Hapnim.

Moreover, when going to Misrad Hapnim (No matter which office you go to – Misrad Hapnim in Tel Aviv, Misrad Hapnim in Jerusalem, or Misrad Hapnim in Herzliya) it is super-important to be very well prepared.

So, I wrote this article for you to make your life easier when you go. Here is a short list of 4 tips for going to Misrad Hapnim in Israel:

Tip #1 – Prepare All Documents Ahead of Time

Make sure to bring all of the required documents for your appointment. Among many documents, this will include your passport, visa application (if need be, and properly filled!), any ID card you have, and other documents  relevant to your appointment / case.

It’s important to have all the documents ready before you arrive at Misrad Hapnim, as they will not accept any errors in any documents, and they will not accept any incomplete applications. Therefore, make sure you know what documents you need to bring, and that they are are all fully prepared ahead of time.

Tip #2 – Arrive Early

The lines at the Misrad Hapnim offices in Israel can be extremely long. You will want to make sure to arrive at Misrad Hapnim at least 30-45 minutes before your scheduled appointment time.

Arriving early to your appointment will reduce your stress levels, and give you enough time to go through security. In addition, depending which Misrad Hapnim office you go to, it may be quite difficult to locate the specific room you need to go to (where your appointment is)… so make sure you arrive with plenty of time to spare.

Tip #3 – Bring a Hebrew Speaker

If you are moving to Israel from another part of the world, you may or may not speak Hebrew. And If you don’t speak Hebrew fluently, try to bring someone who does.

This might be a friend, family member, spouse, or a professional translator. Why? Because most likely the person handling your application + trying to help you does not speak English very well.

Moreover, it’s important to understand 100% of what is being said during your meeting. You would prefer not to have a huge language barrier in between yourself and your Misrad Hapnim goals… right?

Misrad Hapnim Tip #4 – Be Patient and Keep Your Cool

I have some bad news for you. You may encounter problems or difficulties during your appointment, and you will have to wait in long lines when you visit Misrad Hapnim.

There will be nothing you can do about it. All you can do is try to stay calm and act polite. You will need to be prepared to wait very patiently. Moreover, you will need to breathe, and relax, and you now know ahead of time – you will need to “stay cool as water in the winter”.

In conclusion…

Without a doubt, going to Misrad Hapnim can be a very stressful experience. However, by following these tips above, you can  make sure that your appointment runs smoothly as possible.

I hope the tips helped, and good luck with your appointment!  🙂

About Claude Lee Massey, Life Coach and Career Counselor for English Speakers in Israel

I still remember the day I arrived in Israel, I had NO money – NO friends – and NO job.

Culture shock, fear, doubt… I know how you feel.

I gave up my job working as a well-paid sales team manager to start at the bottom, and I actually started working in a kitchen as my first job in Israel!

It took me several years of living in Israel before I found a decent-paying job at a tech company. I was working for this company, and was promoted to a leadership position when I had a powerful self-realization:

The purpose of my life, was helping other people get what they want from life. 

I looked back into my past and understood that I was always asked to be a leader + trainer + teacher… and I absolutely loved doing it!

Therefore, with my 15+ years of experience in the field of sales and customer service I decided to open a sales training company.

Never thought that I would open my own business in Israel… but I did!

I decided to name my sales training company Sales Development Israel.  Then, I began to use all of my spare time before work and after work creating training materials, and trying to acquire clients.

In addition, I was sending emails and cold calling companies in Tel Aviv, HerzliyaRamat GanJerusalem, Bat Yam, and Holon.  Basically, I was reaching our across the whole country of Israel in my efforts.

Great news is that I was able to find my first few corporate sales training clients

Something I immediately noticed was at the conclusion of my sales training workshops, two things would happen consistently happen: 

Firstly, I would receive feedback that my sales training workshops were providing massive value for the sales team. Secondly, one or two of the students in the courses would privately approach me.

These students would speak with me about their struggles not only in sales, but also in their lives.

Then one time, a female student offered to pay me for a one-on-one session outside of the office. She asked me to help her learn how to communicate more effectively, and to help her figure out a better career path.

Another student, approached me and offered to pay me for my time to help prepare him for a job interview.

We developed a plan, strategized, and executed. 

Similarly, another student from another workshop, at another company, asked me to help them build their inner-confidence.

And this would happen again and again and again…

Each of these wonderful people I began to work one-on-one with,  had their own unique challenge, and asked me for help.  Each time we developed a plan, strategized, and executed

They knew that I was not professionally trained, and still they would offer to pay me for my time.  These first clients would call me their “Life Coach” or “Career Counselor“, and I am proud to say that I was able to help them…

At the conclusion of our one-on-one sessions, they each had taken took massive steps forward towards the results they wanted!

Eventually, enough people paid me to sit down with them, and then called me their Career Counselor or Life Coach that I began to call myself a “Career Counselor” and ”Life Coach”.

Most people set out to become a trained and certified life coach (קואצ’ר , אימון אישי) or career counselor before ever having a client. 

I never once said to myself that I wanted to be a life coach (אימון אישי לחיים) or a career counselor. This interesting and fulfilling profession came to me… literally.

So that is the short story of how I began life coaching (תל אביב קואצ’ינג לחיים) and career counseling in Tel Aviv Israel.

Moreover, after all these years I’m happy to say I have helped hundreds and hundreds of people just like you!

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