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Moving to Israel from Canada

Moving from Canada to Israel is an exciting adventure, but let’s be real, it can also super-scary. Between going thru all of the bureaucracy, adjusting to a new culture, and having learn Hebrew – it can all be overwhelming.

Which is exactly why I wrote this article…

Here are some tips from a professional career coach based in Tel Aviv – who is originally from Los Angeles – to make your transition to Israel much, much smoother. Enjoy!

1.  Will You Make Aliyah?

If you’re Jewish, the Law of Return grants you automatic citizenship, making things much easier for you.

But if you are not Jewish, you’ll need to get aa work visa, student visa, or a partnership visa.

These visas are more difficult and take more effort to get… and may require additional documents as well.

The Israeli Ministry of Interior (Misrad Hapnim) website is your best friend here.

You can check this website for all of the options available for you to move to Israel from Canada.

In addition, make sure to double-check which paperwork / documents wou will need to provide whenever you arrive to the immigration offices.

Pro Tip: Plan ahead to come into the government  immigration offices with plenty of patience. Waiting lines at the Misrad Hapnim may be very long despite having an appointment.

2.  Learn Hebrew?… You Really, Really Should.

Of course learning Hebrew isn’t mandatory, but it’s a major key to unlocking your true Israeli life.

Duolingo and podcasts are great, but true cultural immersion will involve learning the language.

I suggest you strike up conversations whenever you can… with whomever you can.

In addition, sign up to attend an ulpan (Hebrew school), or find a language partner.

Or even better – both! Israelis will love the effort, even if your pronunciation sounds horrible and don’t forget the old saying is true “practice makes perfect”.

So practice as much as you possibly can in order to make your move to Israel from Canada easier.

3.  Finding an Apartment in Israel?

Renting an apartment in Israel is a whole different experience than renting one in Canada.

Make sure you take the time and research neighborhoods, be prepared to pay upfront fees, and don’t be afraid to negotiate!

Facebook groups and websites like will be your best bets for finding an apartment fast.

Pro Tip: You will need to use Google Translate on your apartment hunt, so download the Chrome extension ASAP.

4.  Get Ready for Culture Shock

Get ready for a level of directness / rudeness that might feel like punches to the gut.

Israelis are extremely passionate, heavily opinionated, and always ready for an argument.

You will need to learn how to embrace the loudness, the flamboyant gestures, and the in your face (and sometimes brutal) honesty. It’s all part of the culture.

Israelis are not an overly polite people…. not at all.

In Conclusion…

Living in Israel will be a unpredictable adventure.

So, take a good amount of time to make sure it is the right move for you and your family.

I suggest to consider using the guidance above as just a basic and small start to your research into a potentially new and exciting journey.

One things for sure, moving to Israel from Canada (with the right planning, and for the right reasons) will be a truly unique and unforgettable blessing – I promise you.

Good luck and Shalom!

You see, I still remember the day I arrived in Israel… I had NO JOB, NO FRIENDS, and NO MONEY!

And it took me several years of living in Israel before I found a decent-paying job at a tech company.

I was working for this company, and was promoted to a leadership position when I had a powerful self-realization:

The purpose of my life… is helping other people get what they want from their life. 

I looked back into my past and understood that I was always asked to be a leader + trainer + teacher… and I absolutely loved doing it!

Therefore, with my 15+ years of experience in the field of sales and customer service I decided to open a sales training company.

I never thought that I would open my own business in Israel… but I did!

I decided to name my sales training company Sales Development Israel.

Then, I began to use all of my spare time before work and after work creating training materials, and trying to acquire clients.

In addition, I was sending emails and cold calling companies in Tel Aviv, HerzliyaRamat GanJerusalem, Bat Yam, and Holon.

Basically, I was reaching out across the whole country of Israel in my efforts.

Great news – I was able to find my first few clients

Something I immediately noticed was at the conclusion of my sales training workshops, two things would happen consistently happen: 

Firstly, I would receive feedback that my sales training workshops were providing massive value for the sales team.

Secondly, one or two of the students in the courses would privately approach me.

These students would speak with me about their struggles not only in sales, but also in their private lives.

Then one time, a female student offered to pay me for a one-on-one session outside of the office.

She asked me to help her learn how to communicate more effectively, and to help her figure out a better career path.

Another student, approached me and offered to pay me for my time to help prepare him for a job interview.

Similarly, another student from another workshop, at another company, asked me to help them build their self-confidence.

And this would happen again and again and again…

Each of these wonderful people I began to work one-on-one with,  had their own unique challenge, and asked me for help.

Each time we developed a plan, strategized, and executed.

These first clients would call me their “Life Coach” or “Career Counselor“, and I am proud to say that I was able to help them.

At the conclusion of our one-on-one sessions, they each had taken took massive steps forward towards the results they wanted!

Eventually, enough people called me their Career Counselor or Life Coach that I began to call myself a “Career Counselor” and ”Life Coach”.

Most people set out to become a trained and certified life coach (קואצ’ר , אימון אישי) or career counselor before ever having a client… that is not my story.

This interesting and fulfilling profession came to me!

And that is the (very) short story of how I began life coaching (תל אביב קואצ’ינג לחיים) and career counseling in Tel Aviv, Israel all those years ago.

And after all these years, I’m happy to say I have helped hundreds and hundreds of people from around the world achieve their goals!

Let’s schedule a time for us to speak…

Here is a list of articles (below) about what it is actually, really like living in Israel!

And here is a list of articles (below) that will definitely help you if you are planning to move to Israel!

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